Thursday, 7 October 2010

Goodbye Asia, G'day Oz

After 2 months and many countries we have left Asia.  Some of the countries we have visited felt slightly oppressive - very strong religious believes, no real blend of cultures and races, then mix this in with the stifling heat. Wahoo Asia can certainly wash you out.

Will be strange after all this time to be able to walk down the street and just 'blend'.  As a 'white skin' (a term used by Asians for all western types) we vary so much, hair and eye colour, a rare sight in Asia.  Might as well have 'tourist' printed on your back.

Certainly wont be sad to leave behind drop toilets and of course the humidity ! If you thought Fe's hair was curly back home, it reached 'afro' conditions in Asia.


D - A great mix of old and new
F - The fashions

Won't miss:

D - Many many cheap electrical stores. Dangerous when you don't have an income!
F - Massive thunder and lightening

Again pictures will follow...........


  1. Thats the last bit of culture you will see for a while.....say hi to the chipsters.

    Sunk an extra Doom Bar for you last night in Star Wars... nothing changes but you.

    Dell was on the Guinness

  2. I saw a mole hill on your lawn
