Due to a freak storm (golf ball size hale stones and some poor bugger being killed by a lightening strike) we wisely stopped early to avoid the chaos and chose a nights stopover at Forester.
Next morning post storm we hit Newcastle which is on the coast 150 odd km north of Sydney. If you've got the time or you're madly fit enough you can walk the 250km trail from N'castle to Sydney aptly known as The Great North Walk. As the second oldest city in NSW the colonial architecture and art-deco ocean baths give a glimpse of days gone-by.
Fort Scracthley stands guard over Nobbys Head as the waves roll in to top up the half a dozen or so ocean swimming baths that line this stretch of coastline. After a stroll around the headland we were certainly ready for a dip. We opted for a swim at Newcastle's Bath pool. As the sun set it felt like we should have been wearing victorian style swimsuits as we lapped up and down on the edge of the pacific.
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