Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Adios magical Mexico !

If New Zealand was our outdoor dream, Mexico has been our cultural heaven.

So it's adiós to the street shoe shiners, the adorable hawker street kids, the wonderful zocalos all those stunning cathedrals and the seemingly everywhere type 1 vee dub beetles (we don't need to photograph any of these for a while!) Adiós to all things chilli and chocolate, to cheap reliable transport and over excitable friendly characters spouting double-quick Spanish.  This is a country where it's residents seem frustrated and trapped within their own country's underworld problems. The country's poor portrail by one sided media, homing in on all things negative will continue to scare off most potential tourists thus depriving a hugely fascinating country of a fruitful cash input. It's such a shame as the whole country is a photograhers dream and the "real" Mexican people are lovely and are more than keen to tell you exactly that.

For us Mexico has been nothing but fantastic. So does that make us fortunate, lucky or just switched on? Mexico's troubles are out there ready to be found, there's no doubt about that. You've just got to be aware of this and try your best to avoid it.  Future travel to Mexico? Yeah sure and maybe they could opt for a Columbian style shake up. A place where after around 10 years of targeting and constantly smashing the drug rings in a drive to break down some of the strongest cartels and internal corruptness known, the troubles have reduced.

As I queued for our last couple of 40 pence cerveza's the Righteous Brothers rang out and pushed me softly into yet another 'moment'. Well we are now well into June so this trips nearly done and the 'moments' are becoming more frequent!

Mexico, it really has been a pleasure.

D - margaritas, liberal Mexicans, chilli with absolutey everything, the VW Beetle, bustlely zocalos, hostel Regina, latino fashions, huge pâtisseries
F - the architecture, cheap cerveza, freshly made guacamole, women in tabards (do I need one ?)

Won't miss:
D - guns at every corner, being a "whitey tourist", mezcal, going Loco, mole.
F - struggling with my spanish. Another 8 months it would have been cracked!

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